Monday, October 29, 2007

Erosion of values

In the good old days of honesty and sincerity, there was this saying 'that a good name is better than riches'. In those days people can vouch for their children and relatives because they know what business they are into. Their source of income can be verifiable and their rise to prominence in the society was through hard and honest work, investment and industrial pursuits.
The reverse is the case nowadays. In Nigeria today every young person wants to be rich by any means except hardwork. There is 'kalokalo' gamble and all manner of get rich quick lottery everywhere. If you ask why this craze for quick riches, the answer is that the society honours those who have made it without asking how they made it.? Those moneybags or 'money-miss-road Nnas', yahoo boys are the toast in any social or intellectual gatherings where money is donated or 'sprayed'.
Such values as honesty, sincerity, kindness, integrity, probity, truthfulness and accountability are the things of the past. These values are being destroyed or in some cases are being gradually destroyed. Even in the churches and mosques, these values are not celebrated anymore. We have people of questionable characters being conferred with titles in churches and mosques just because they have enough money to sponsor programmes or build gigantic edifices as places of worship. It's unfortunate that these dubious people are the ones in the news and the ones at times taking decisions that will affect the larger society.
The erosion of these cherished values especially honesty, probity and accountability in the country is responsible for the many crisis facing us as a nation. Before now, if one was accused of stealing or involving in a shady deal, such a person wil want to hide from public glare until cleared by the accusers or declared innocent by a competent court of Law. But now it is not like that. The confirmed cocaine pushers, drug barons, '419ners' and armed robbers are flaunting their ill gotten wealth for all to see. At times, they dare you to challenge them or make any unsavoury comment. The law enforcement agents are most times on their pay roll so if you dare to challenge them, you will be on your own. So its best to just stir clear of them and join in hailing them so that they dont 'deal' with one.
What is happening in the house is just a mirror of what is happening in the society. The leader has been indicted and instead of doing the honourable thing of resigning or hiding her face until she is cleared, she is flaunting the scandal for all to see. She is insisting on leading and maintaining that NO 4 seat in the country despite the indictment of the panel that investigated the contract. In one of the findings, she was alleged to have paid N50M to two companies purportedly registered by CAC but whose addresses are non existent.
This continued erosion of these virtues are impacting negatively on the country culture. There is lack of transparency of public office holders in the country. It is in this country that the fortunate but undeserved public holders are smiling to the banks daily while those they are governing are sinking in poverty and despair daily. How can a governor of a state that did not have up to N2M in his account prior to election suddenly have billions of Naira in his account within few months on the saddle? Some of them are buying private jets worth billions of Naira while in their state, there are no motorable roads, no functional utilities and the public schools are closed because the buildings are dilapidated and the teachers are not paid.
We need to go back to those good old days.

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