Friday, October 19, 2007


What a sad day it was for the House of Representatives in particular and Nigerians in general when Honourable Aminu Ibrahim SAFANA slumped and died due to the scuffle in the house.
Safana represented the Batsari/Dan Musa/Safana Federal Constituency and was Chairman of the house committee on health. He was a prominent member of the pro-Etteh group and was working day and night to ensue her survival after the debate on the contract scam.
Dr Safana was born April 1961. He had his University education in Ahmadu Bello University, where he bagged MBBS. He proceeded to the University of Leeds and the University of London where he got other Certificates in Medicine.
He was a Medical practitioner before he vied into politics. Who knows if he had stayed on as a medical doctor, he would not have died before 50. Who knows?
He started his political career as a member of the People Democractic Movement, the party formed by Shehu Yar'dua, the president's senior brother. From being a public health consultant, he joined government as Secretary to the Katsina State Government between 1999 to 2003. In 2003, he was elected into the House and he contested the Speakership position with Masari but later withdrew to pave way for Masari.
He was a die hard loyalist of PDP. Since PDP backed Etteh in the renovation scandal, he had to abide by his party's decision and support her all the way. He was still doing that when he met his untimely death. That morning, he was with Etteh when they were resisted from entering the chamber but they prevailed with him playing a very active role. In the process of struggling and shouting, he slumped and was rushed out of the chamber. He was diabetic and hypertensive and the shoving aggravated his poor health condition and he died an hour later. May his soul rest in perfect peace.
Now that this scandal has claimed a life will Madam Speaker step down?

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